By way of a short reply to a comment made about 'Magic of Chaotes'... this was the faith of my ancestors...
An Informatory V I N D I C A T I O N OFA Poor, wasted, misrepresented, Remnant of the Suffering, Anti-Popish, Anti-Prelatick, Anti-Erastian, Anti-Sectarian, True Presbyterian Church of Christ inS C O T L A N D, United together in a General Correspondence; By way of Reply to Various Accusa- tions, in Letters, Informations & Conferences, given forth a- gainst them. Anno MDCLXXXVII.We shall now therefore, in the first place, give a short Declaration of Our Testimony: Shewing first, what we maintain, & positively own, as the matter {25} of it: And secondly, what we disown as prejudicial thereunto, & inconsistent therewith.
As to the First, we sincerely, unanimously, & constantly Testify & Declare, our hearty embracing of & adherence unto the written Word of God, contained in the Scriptures of the Old & New Testaments, as the only rule of faith & manners, & whatsoever is founded thereupon & consonant thereunto; Such as the Confession of Faith, our Catechisms Larger & Shorter, our Covenants National & Solemn League, the Acknowledgement of sins & Engagement to duties, the Causes of God's Wrath, the ordinary & perpetual officers of the Church by Christ's own appointment; such as Pastors, Doctors, Elders, & Deacons, & the Form of Church Government which is commonly called Presbyterial, either in Congregational, Presbyterial, or Synodical Assemblies, whether Provincial, National or Œcumenical; together with all the Acts & proceedings of our General Assemblies, (especially from the year 1638 to 1649 inclusive) yea & every piece of the attained unto Reformation of the Church of Scotland. In like manner we Testify & Declare, our cordial adherence unto all the faithful Contendings, that have been owned & prosecuted by Ministers or Professors, for promoval & defence of Reformation in former times; as these against the Publick Resolutions, Cromwell's usurpations, the vast Toleration of Heresies & Sects in his time; as also to all the faithful Contendings of Ministers & Professors since the unhappy Restoration of Charles the Second (when the work of Reformation was overturned) unto this very day; whether against the Sacrilegious Usurpation & Tyranny of the Malignant party, or against the Compliances, Defections, {26} & Unfaithfulness of Ministers & Professors: More Particularly, unto all faithful Protestations, Testimonies, & Declarations, that have been given in these latter times, for the work of the Reformation, & against all Usurpations of & Encroachments upon the Prerogatives of Christ's Crown & Privileges of his House, & anything else of whatsoever sort prejudicial to the Reformation: & expressly we declare our adherence unto the Declarations published at Rutherglen, Sanquhar, (first & last) & at Lanerk, together with the Apologetical Declaration, affixed upon some market Crosses & several Parish Church doors, for the matter, substance, & scope of them, as accommodated to the times wherein they were exhibited, according as we explain them afterward, Head 2. Finally we Testify and Declare, our cordial owning & approving of the faithful & free preaching of the Gospel in the open fields, as well as in houses, both before & since Bothwell; & of the duty of defending the Gospel & ourselves by arms, & the Lawfulness of Defensive war against Usurpers of our Ecclesiastical & Civil Liberties; & consequently, all these appearances in a Martial manner against the publick Enemies of this Church & Kingdom, at Pentland, Drumclog, Bothwell, & Airs Moss: And also our adherence unto the Testimonies given by Martyrdom on the fields, scaffolds, & Seas; or otherwise, by Banishment, Imprisonment, Stigmatizings, Tortures, or suffering any other ways, for their adherence unto the Reformation, & noncompliance with the God-provoking courses of the time, & for not owning the Authority or rather Tyranny of Usurpers, in place of magistracy qualified according to the word of God. {27}
As to the Second, We sincerely, Unanimously, & Constantly Testify & declare, our rejecting of whatsoever is contradictory or contrary unto the Written Word of God, or not founded thereupon, either expressly or by direct near or necessary consequence: And more particularly, in like manner, we Testify & Declare our Rejecting & Disowning of Popery, Quakerism, Libertinism, Antinomianism, Socinianism, & all other Heresies under whatsoever designation, together with the Blasphemies, Heresies, & wild extravagances of John Gib: All errors upon the right hand, such as Anabaptism, Independency, Millenarism [Premillenialism], & all other sects & Schisms, together with the divisive courses followed by any others, especially in our day, & the Usurping of any upon the Ministerial Function not duly called thereunto, as upon this ground (beside other reasons) we have excepted against Mr. John Flint; And all Errors upon the left hand, as Prelacy & Erastianism (against which our Church hath had much wrestling & contending) together with all kinds of Idolatry, Superstition, & Prophaneness, & whatsoever else is found contrary to sound Doctrine & the power of Godliness.
Moreover, considering what heinous & God-provoking sins have been committed in this Land against God, in contempt of & with prejudice to his Cause & Covenants, since we began to turn away from Him, we shall briefly enumerate some of these, Declaring our detestation & abhorrence of the same. Therefore in the first place, we declare our Testimony against all Compliances with the iniquities of this time established by Law, in obedience to their Cursed commandments directly or indirectly; {28} All countenancing of & complying with Prelacy, Supremacy, or Tyranny, or any Usurpation on Church or state made by this Malignant Enemy, All hearing of Curates or Indulged, or paying either of them Stipends exacted by iniquous [unjust] Law setting them up; All answering to the Courts of Persecutors, Taking any of their Oaths as the Declaration renouncing the Covenants, the Oaths of Supremacy & Allegiance, the Test, the Oath of Abjuration, The Oath Super inquirendis, and all others of like nature; particularly the late new contrived oath of Allegiance, substitute in the place of all former, & comprehending in its bosom the extract of all their iniquities, requiring the acknowledgement & Maintenance of the most open faced & declared absolute Tyranny of the Duke of York, in his invading the Sovereignty of the Most High, & all his subservient Popish & Atheistical designs, which is contained in the late Proclamation for the abominable Toleration; Likewise all subscribing any of their Bonds, imposed to fetter & defile the Conscience, as the Bond of peace, Bond of Regulation, The Bond of Compearance, & all others partaking of affinity with these; As also the paying any of their wicked Impositions for bearing down the Gospel & work of Reformation, as Militia money, Cess, Locality, Fines, or stipends, or anything that may strengthen the hands of such evil doers: and in like manner, we declare our Testimony against all the steps of defection, declining from or contradictory unto the Covenanted Reformation of the Church of Scotland; And therefore we disown, as inconsistent with our Ancestors Testimony, that promiscuous Association in the late {29} Expedition 1685, & all Associations & Confederacies whatsoever with Sectaries & Malignants, & any other thing that opens the door for their introduction & toleration, or whereby the state of the quarrel is not proposed according to the ancient plea, against both right & left hand opposites.
But more particularly, because our principles are most suspected upon the Ordinances of Magistracy & the Ministry; Therefore we shall plainly unbosom our hearts about these also. We profess then concerning Magistracy (to obviate the suspicion of any unfriendliness towards that Ordinance, & disloyalty to rightful Magistrates) & Declare our minds in these Assertions. (1.) As we distinguish between Magistracy, or the Office (in the abstract) & the Persons invested with the Office; so of Magistracy in itself considered, we say, that as it is not subjectively founded upon grace, so it is a holy & Divine institution, for the good of human Society, the encouragement of Virtue & Piety, & curbing of Vice & Impiety, competent unto & honourable amongst both Christians & Heathens. (2.) As for such Magistrates as, being rightly and Lawfully constitute over us, do act as the Ministers of God, in a direct line of subordination to God, in the defence of our Covenanted Reformation, & the subjects' Liberties; We declare, whensoever we can obtain & enjoy such rulers, we will own, embrace, obey, & defend them to the utmost of our power, & prove encouraging, subject, & obedient to them in our places & stations. (3.) In things Civil, though we do not say that every Tyrannical act or action doth make a Tyrant, yet we hold, that habitual, obstinate, & declared opposition to, & {30} overturning of Religion, Laws & Liberties, & making void all contracts with the Subjects, or when he usurps a power without any compact, or giving any security for Religion & Liberties, or when he is such as the Laws of the Land do make incapable of Government; These do sufficiently invalidate his Right & Relation of Magistracy, & warrant subjects, especially in Covenanted Lands, to revolt from under & disown allegiance unto such a power. In such a case, when the body of a Land collectively considered, or the more faithful & better part of that Land, in the time of National & universal Apostacy, & complete & habitual Tyranny, adhering closely to the fundamental constitutions & Laudable practices of that Covenanted Land (when the fundamental Laws of the Kingdom are directly overturned, & the essential conditions of the mutual Compacts are broken, & such as cleave closely to the Reformation & Liberties of the Kingdom are accounted Rebels, & prosecuted as such) may reject and refuse the Magistratical Relation between the Tyrant & them: yet, before the erection of formal Magistracy, they may not Lawfully arrogate to themselves that Authority which the Tyrant hath forfeited, or claim to themselves the Authority of Judges; though radically they have the Authority of the Law, by their Natural right, & fundamental power, which God allows & is Nature's attendant; & the Municipal privilege of these subjects; but they cannot act judicially, in either Civil or Criminal Courts, only in the interim they may Lawfully do that which may most conduce to the securing of themselves, Religion, & Liberty. (4.) In Church affairs, we allow the Magistrate a power over the outward things of the Church, viz. {31} what belongs to the bodies of Church officers & members; but not over the inward things of the Church, such as Doctrine, worship, discipline, & Government: We own he may & ought to preserve both Tables of the Law, & punish by corporal & temporal punishment, whether Church officers or members, as openly dishonour God by gross offences, either against the first or second Table; but this he may not do every way, but after his own manner, not intrinsically, but extrinsically, not under consideration of a scandal, but of a crime: We grant he may order such things as are for the well-being & subsistence of the Church, & for that end may Convocate Synods in some cases of the Church, pro re nata [according to exigences], beside their ordinary Meetings (according as that part of Article 2, chapter 31, of our Confession of Faith, is fully and clearly explained by the Act of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, convened at Edinburgh, Aug. 27, 1647, Session 23, approving the foresaid Confession of Faith) & may be present there in external order; but not preside in their Synodical debates & resolutions; He may add his Civil Sanction to Synodical results, but we deny him any power to restrain Church Officers in Dispensing of Christ's ordinances, or forbid them to do what Christ has given them in Commission: We own that as he ought to take care of the maintenance of the Ministry, Schools, & poor, so imperatively he may Command Church officers to do their duties; yet we deny him an elicitive power, either to do himself what is incumbent to Church officers, or to Depute others to administer Ordinances in his name, or by any Ministerial power received from him: Finally we allow him a Cumulative {32} power, whereby in his own way he assisteth, strengtheneth, & ratifieth what Church officers do by virtue of their office; but we deny unto him a Privative power, which detracteth any way from the Church's Authority, for he is a Nursing father & not a step-father. In sum, we grant this to be the full extent of the Magistrate's Supremacy in the Church affairs, to order, whatsoever is commanded by the God of Heaven that it be diligently done for the house of the God of Heaven, Ezra 7.23. And what further he may Usurp, we Disown & Detest.
But considering the God-contemning & Heaven-daring wickedness, Usurpation, & Tyranny, of the present & latter pretended Rulers over this Land, & what grievous affronts, bold & open defiances, they have given to the Most High God, & what unparalleled abuses they have done to the Ordinance of Magistracy; Therefore We disown, detest, & abhor the corruption, perversion, & eversion of that Ordinance in this Land; And in the first place, for the late Tyrant; As we do abhor the memory of his first erection, & unhappy restoration, after by many evidences he was known to be an Enemy to God & the Country; his nefarious wickedness in ejecting the Ministers of Christ from their Charges, & introducing abjured Prelacy; his atrocious arrogance, in rescinding all Acts of Parliament for the works of Reformation; his unparalleled perfidy & Perjury, in making void, & burning the Covenants; his Heaven-daring Usurpation, in arrogating to himself that Blasphemous & Christ dethroning Supremacy; his audacious & treacherous exerting of that usurped power, in giving Indulgences to outed Ministers, to divide & destroy the Church; {33} his arbitrarian & manifest Tyranny, over the consciences of poor people, pressing them to conformity with the time's abominations, contrary both to Religion & reason, & imposing upon them conscience-debauching Oaths; His absolute domination over the whole Land, in levying Militia & other Forces, Horse & Foot, for carrying on his wicked designs, of advancing himself to an arbitrary power, & bearing down the work of Reformation, & enslaving the people; particularly in sending an Host of Savage & barbarous High-landers several times, upon a poor innocent people, to waste & destroy them; And imposing wicked taxations for the maintenance of these forces, professedly required for suppressing Religion & Liberty, & preserving & promoting his Absoluteness over all matters & persons sacred and Civil; His cruelty over the bodies of Christians, in chasing, catching, & killing upon the fields, many, without sentence past upon them or time previously to deliberate upon death, yea & without taking notice of any thing to be laid against them, according to the worst of their own Laws; Drowning Women, some of a very young & some of an exceeding old age; Imprisoning, Laying in irons, exquisite torturing by Boots, Thumbkins, & Firematches, Cutting pieces out of the ears, Banishing & selling as Slaves old & young, men & women, in great numbers, bloodily butchering upon Scaffolds, Hanging some of all Sexes & ages, Heading Mangling, dismembering alive, Quartering dead bodies; oppressing many others in their Estates, Forfeiting their Possessions, Robbing, Pillaging their goods, Casting Men, Women, & Children out of their Habitations, Interdicting any to reset [receive, harbour] them, under the pains of {34} being treated after the same manner; & all this for their adherence unto the Covenanted work of Reformation, while in the mean time many murderers, Adulterers, & incestuous persons, Sodomites, witches, & other malefactors, were pardoned or passed without punishment: So for the continued & habitual tract of these, & many other, Acts of Tyranny, we have disowned, & yet adhere to our revolt from under, the yoke of the Tyranny of Charles the Second, & Declare that his whole Government was a complete & habitual Tyranny, & no more Magistracy than Robbery is a rightful possession. And in like manner, in the Next place, we disown the Usurpation of James Duke of York, succeeding & insisting in the same footsteps of Tyranny, Treachery, & Cruelty; with the same domineering over men & Women's Consciences, & cruelty towards their bodies, & Estates, & oppression over the Land; arrogating to himself an absolute power, more declaredly than any other formerly; & labouring to bring these Lands again in Subjection to the yoke of Anti-Christ; being a professed Papist; & therefore, what ever right he may pretend by lineal succession, suffrage of Iniquitous Laws & packed Parliaments, he hath no legal or lawful right to the crown; especially, seeing many Acts of ancient Parliaments, declare Papists altogether incapable of bearing any Rule, or any other whomsoever, except they be maintainers of the true Protestant Religion, according to the National Covenant, as it is Statute by the 8 Act. Parl. 1. repeated in the 99 Act. Parl. 7. ratified in the 23 Act. Parl. 11. & 114. Act. Parl. 12 of K. James 6. & 4. Act of K. Charles the first. And here we stand as to the point of Magistracy. {35}
Anyhow, it somehow found its way into cyberspace about ten years ago and has been reproducing itself ever since. Google tell me there are 128 versions out there. One is in French, and I found it with a bit of discussion about 'the magic of chaotes' - which google kindly translated into a form of English - see 1. below
Then I got google to translated my article from French back into English.... See 2 below
At last, I can finally understand what I was waffling about all those years ago!
This truly is chaos at its best...
I wonder if I could get all my ramblings translated into French and then back into English?
1. Good question my very expensive me.
I return to visit a forum where this question is still put, and the amateurs do not miss with the call to try to deliver an opinion on the Magic of Chaos. It is reproached the chaotes for being either immature or not to know what they do or, quite simply, to copy the old paradigms while hoping to make believe in the whole world that they created a new system.
The error of the answers rests simply on the incomprehension of the studied subject. If the chaotes cannot define their Art with precision it is stupidly that they know that any definition locks up the practice in a conceptual bottle which kills the spirit and denatures the letter of Art. To define, taxonomiser, to arrange in small boxes makes safe the human being which then thinks of having of its range a thing which can only be imperceptible. Therefore, not of definition but of the kilometers of foolish and insane sentences, of the thousands of ritual and practices strange, violent ones, striking, inconsistent.
No Book of Shadows but of the thousands of pieces of paper bottom griffonnés with haste in some sordid coffee. Not great theory but of hundreds of the revolutionary and contradictory slogans. No the Pantheon fixed for eternity but an insane dance gods and goddesses, phantoms and the alive ones called upon, devoted, adored then forgotten. No the dogma until in the refusal to prohibit the dogma by adopting them all.
No the temple or of place of society gathering, but of the wet cellars squattés temporarily, set up in taz magickes before to be forever abandoned. No ranks, not of a fixed nature, not of ceremony solidified in the vain one, but a cloud of groupings évanescents constituting itself only on the common will and yet single collectively to act the time of a breath of the god, plays and sarabands and some portable computers for all ceremonial books.
Not, the Magic of Chaos will not be the putrid statue of a finishing age, there remains breath of life and thirst for unsatiated will of goal.
2. Chaos vs Thelema [as re-translated from French back onmto English of a sort by google]
Inspiré, sans doute imprudemment, par la nouvelle lune & la « Psychedelic Jungle » de Cramp, j’ai décidé de pénétrer dans le débat opposant la Chaos & Thelema. C’est, bien sûr, une tâche impossible, & c’est sans doute ce qui m’a poussé à le faire.
Very from does accesses, what distinguish Thelema from Chaos? In “Starfire”, Mick Staley tries to distinguish Thelema from Crowleyanité. Thelema, us suggests it preexisted to the formulation that made some of Crowley. That poses problem immediately, since for the majority of the magicians: Crowley = Thelema. But if one can accept that there is something which existed independently of the writings of Crowley, then that must be this thing (Thelema) which must be contrasted with Magick of Chaos. The core of this thing, I suggest that it is the Will. Is this idea of Will in one way or another opposed to Chaos?
But then what Chaos?
For the needs for this argumentation, I will interpret Chaos as follows: that the world of the experiment day labourer has her roots in Chaos. Thus, any test to include/understand the world via the reason reaches a limit of which the other pouring lies in Chaos, a state of existence/non-existence which cannot be included/understood by the rational ego. However, through ritual techniques, this state can be expressed in the world of the every day, suspending the consensual “laws” of the direction common & allowing Magick to be born. Moreover, perhaps like result of this practice of Magick of Chaos, the idea of Chaos penetrates slowly in popular imagination through science. This refutes the traditional science, which is based on the belief that if the structure of the physical world could be sufficiently modelled in a mathematical form, it would be possible to predict the future states of various systems (weather for example) which constitute the physical world.
However, it is allowed unwillingly that that would require a measuring accuracy which it is impossible to realize. The engineers have for a long time to accept this uncertainty - that all measurements are limited by the veracity of the measuring apparatus. The absolute precision is an impossible goal é to reach. There is always a degree of uncertainty, an instability & by concentrating the Will on that, the magickien can exert an influence on this level on the world, which when it occurs, can produce a Voulu result.
Since Chaos is a form of Magick - seeking to exert an influence on the conscience of the world of the every day - it must thus implied the Will. Otherwise, it would be more one form of mysticism, which is a test “to follow the current” of the experiment of the world without seeking to influence the direction of this current. In this form, Chaos is closer to a high form of order which i.e. apparent chance or event impromptu of the experiment of the existence of an individual are only results of some existence higher than that of the individual himself. And by désengageant the desires of the ego, one can try out this higher existence, interpreting the obstacles & the failures of the existence of the every day like a stimulus with the development of a “stoical” conscience, which will make it possible the ego to freely swim a such fish in the river of the CAT, or Chaos.
The idea on which that is based tends to being that of the hermit, wise forests of the hindouism, the solitary follower of High Magick. No doubt that if that were possible at the time current, one could try out such an existence if one could withdraw remainder of the human existence. But such a model is not valid any more, since the development of the conscience of humanity is such as any place virgin & wild does not exist any more in order to undertake such a search. We are thus obliged to satisfy us with the results of the human desire of knowledge, power, control & safety.
It is perhaps there the crucial difference between Magick of Chaos & Thelema. Thelema, as developed by Crowley in a form adapted to the 20th century, contains all the heritage of the experiment & the practice which goes up through the Dawn Golden delicious, of Hermetism to Egypt & the Country of Sumer, which in their turns draw their beliefs from anonymous ancestors who fought in order to create the models of the world, cosmologies & the myths of the creation which enabled them to give a direction to their presence in this world.
The task of Crowley, like that of Mathers & Eliphas Levi before him, was to synthesize this vast corpus of conscious/unconscious knowledge & to represent it in a comprehensible way by its contemporaries. Unfortunately, if that is a question mainly of language, the language magicke is limited by the domination Judeo-Christian, on the one hand, & of the Reason on the other hand. Our language of the every day derives from our perceptions of a world made up of distinct objects, & on the faculty of the sight. But, as soon as we enter the more subjective sphere of Magick, the problems occur. Up to which point do share we same reality magicke & in the same way use us words such “Will”?
The problem is not confined in Magick. During a time I worked as controller of quality in “London Rubber”. Periodically, I was to compare my work with that of others in order to ensure me that we apply the same processes so that I do not reject hoods that others let pass. In science, the theory wants that the work of a person must be examined in a critical way by the unit of its pars. The difficulty is that, as soon as the creativity between concerned, the process is faded. Should the test for any form of Magick be “that functions?” But how can one of judge since the results of a ritual can not be visible during a certain lapse of time. At the beginning of the Eighties, a great work was carried out in order to stop the expansion of the nuclear weapons. But it is only today that a major change occurs in Eastern Europe & who can be regarded as a success. And the changes can however be lost by a failure of imagination & the difficulty of being opposed to the complex parasites militaro-industrialists of the East & the West.
It may be that Thelema is soiled by the terminology inherited the Golden delicious Dawn life Crowley, but in its heart a detector of conneries imparable rests. I discovered that the question “which is your Will?” directed towards any group which proclaims to wish changes, is an effective challenge. What is disturbing on the other hand is to discover that in the majority of the cases this question evokes only silence or, as well as possible, an escape.
I feel that that is the most detrimental criticism for Thelema, that it fails to pass from Magick to varied alternative beliefs which try to reformulate the company. It is not a question of simple academic interest, whereas the current néopaïen seems to emerge & take the control of the conscience & the alternative structures.
Can Magick of Chaos then succeed where Thelema (still) did not reach that point? I doubt it qu seen of the reaction of the average citizen lambda who thinks that it is “too dark”. The simple word of “Chaos” tends to be seen labelled like “anarchist” & evokes nightmarish sights of man-monsters traversing the streets in order to do everything péter. Of course, for some that can appear a call, since such a bad thing must, ultimately, being good.
Not, in one way or another we must achieve a task of Sisyphus by applying the concept of Will like razor of Occam towards the dualistic entities of the conscience - or the unconsciousness - of New Age. In practical terms, I understand that that means to direct our Wills towards & with the Vert movement in full growth, so that instead of disappearing in a fog from “good intentions”, it becomes true & critical volunteer of the culture consumerist. Just like the Marxism failed to carry out its desires, owing to the fact that the working class “had been mobilized already” by the capitalists, thus Magick fails it owing to the fact that energies of the unconscious mass was already exploited by the advertizing, via the mass media.
Energy tending towards the change of the conscience was diverted by the culture consumerist in a desire to have a flood without end of merdasses useless. All the flood of the advertizing is to exceed our logical circuits & to reach our desires directly to reach with a statute & safety. We do not make that to buy the product, we buy the dream, the illusion of Maya. That is, as we can assert it, a form of Magick. I then to be a poor squattor of a shantytown the Third World, but if I can buy a bottle of Coke, I think of having the dream of richest American multimillionnaires. I can be the owner of old a Trabant of East Germany, but while crossing the Wall I become the potential owner of Porsche.
But if you observe those which have already such dreams, that do you find? That it is, as in California, these same people who turn to the most ridiculous conneries New Age in order to satisfy their race for always more, for something which will fill the painful vacuum & without end that they feel to crawl & to corrode them like some Charles nightmarish Manson waiting behind the walls of their house of Beverly Hills.
But, of course, the last thing that they want to hear is the “truth”. They prefer to create an industry New Age richissime rather than to accept that within the richest houses reality is held of the Chaos, this Vacuum which drapes veils of Maya, the dance of the Illusion, in which we all are, at the same time, this famished tramp & this voluptuous starlet of cinema. “Which is your Will?”
Of course, I am somewhat predisposed thanks to all that I sang with Bowie on Ziggy Stardust, I chose Magick like Voie. Through experiments at the same time beautiful & terrifying, I arrived at comprehension that the human condition is only one aspect of a continuum of conscience. For me, all the universe is an alive entity with which I interacted in the fugacious currents of energies which inspire my awakening. Rationally & poetically, I perceive my brain, my body like part of the substance of the universe & not like an element distinct from him. For me, the human condition is partly a tragedy, partly a joke. We are semi-intelligent monkeys which were led by the fugacious vision of what could be, in order to create this world, our reality. But in our ignorance, we took the vision for the unit, the ego for self. We fight for the order & create chaos, & then we recognize in chaos a “higher form of order”.
“Knowledge is the capacity, the capacity is control, control is safety”. Ah yes? But knowledge is as the pleasure, a pleasure more intense as any other pleasure created by our safety. Safety is sterility, sterility is death. We run after the evolution but let us not can accept that the evolution implies changes & that these changes deny any safety. What do we want?
If our Will is safety, stability, whereas that is, like so many fossils. To embrace Chaos (Thelema) is to give up the false gods & to accept that our actions as a magickiens will change not only ourselves but also our world. In so far as Chaos & Thelema are valid ways, then they will change us. To cling to an identity, although that is pleasant or gratifying, is a negation of Magick. Magick is changes, the only constant factor being the revelation of the existence of the order/the chaos of the universe.
In addition to Thelema & Chaos, I also practise Magick de Maat. For the Egyptians, Maat was “the order right of the universe”. Contrast rests between the Hindu concept familiar of “karma”, which deals with our human existences, & the concept less familiar of “rta”, which deals with our aspects as forms of the universal conscience.
Magick diverged from Science 300 years ago. Science sought to discover the “hand of God” in the natural world; Magick wished to become equalizes it gods. Today we are the witnesses of the overlapping of these two ways. We are not any more creations of some distant god, but the natural products of the universe. We “evolved/moved” starting from organic chemical compounds. Today, we have the capacity, through the replication of the ADN, to make us evolve/move ourselves. We have, literally, the capacities of the gods. That of which we miss, & what Magick must try to provide us, it is intelligence to use such a capacity. Is the way to make a success of that to put the question “Which is your Will?” Are our genes our justifying force, or there it is another thing which I can call “Conscience”? This conscience I hold it for implicit within the structure of the universe, & that was proven like such by quantum physics. It may be that that is unprovable/undeniable & consequently A-scientist, but I suggest that our so-called conscience is a quantum phenomenon.
It is that which Crowley tried out by the interaction of Night & Hadit in the Book of the Law. It is also the root of Chaos. Thus, Thelema & Chaos are only two aspects different from a single experiment, expressed in the language appropriate to different times & in different cultures.
Only, I then to completely express the complexity of these possibilities, & however we all must try to do it. While placing them in the middle of our experiments to be in the world, we can hope to create a company which will survive rather than will perish under the effect of its unconscious contradictions. We are only “naked monkeys”, but we are monkeys having of the sufficiently complex brains that to apprehend the possibility of being more than what we are & to become “homo veritas”, a true man at the very least.
Such as we are, we cannot entirely perceive the truth of all that, only our imagination can apprehend the potential of it. It is my Will to make that that is, for this reason I write these words, so that they touch & stimulate those which read them. How it is thus!
While reading again what is above, I feel the need to develop the arguments somewhat. The events in Eastern Europe of these last years strike me by their consequences. The gasoline of the “iron curtain” was to make it possible the East to develop its own alternative economic system as enacted by Marx. What currently occurs, is the incorporation of this economic system in the total economy, which implies a failure of the Marxism. This failure leaves a vaccum capacity. The majority of criticisms as for the structures of the powers of the West come from the Marxism. But if this one failed, the possibility for a new criticism of being born.
Where will we find this criticism? In Magick. Of course, that requires magickiens that they adopt a more rigorous intellectual approach as for their beliefs, & it is undoubtedly that in question with the arguments of Chaos or Thelema, i.e. one & the other shows the other to be perverted compared to the “true form” of Magick. What I suggest is that the magickiens start to seriously take Magick as an energy directed towards the change, rather than like parasitic system of beliefs in order to escape economic success from capitalism. To practise Magick we must believe undoubtedly that we live a universe magicke, rather than economic. How much more effective would be our Magick if we replace the system of beliefs of the economic company by that of a company enracinée in the design magicke of reality.
Here the apple with which I try you - will dare you to taste with the forbidden fruit?
Alistair Livingston
French translation by Spartakus FreeMann, Nadir de Libertalia, Anno iv13 Ground 25° Aries, Luna 15° Cancer Dies Veneris