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As all that is solid melts to air and everything holy is profaned...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Life and death -Pinki/ Tanith

Here are some pics of Pinki / Tanith / Rebecca plus her obituary from the Guardian.

In historical sequence, the first (top right) was taken in either 78 or 79 outside Kings Cross station. Left to right there is a bit of Bob( I think), then Cory, then Phil (fast Phil) then Pinki then Lisa. Bob and Lisa later in Blood and Roses.

Next , bottom left, is Pinki feeding a very young Sky (born 8 October 1983) at Greenham in 1984. Whilst pregnant with Sky, she got kicked in the stomach by a bailiff at Greenham (see obit below). Then just before he was born (29 September) she got arrested on first Stop the City - but got let out of cell in case she gave birth there!

Then bottom right, Pinki in yellow on windmill bike arriving at Molesworth ( proposed Cruise missle base, but no missiles were ever based there) Easter 1985. This was after our 120 mile anti-nuclear walk from Sizewell nuclear power station.

Pinki used to commute between Greenham and Molesworth and other peace camps. Molesworth was dramatically evicted in by 'largest peace time military action in February 1985.

Finally, top right, Pinki as Tanith in full on 'Priestess of the Black Flame and Silver Star' mode at Silbury Hill, Beltane 1987. Pinki created the Black Flame and Silver Star for the Stonehnege access campaign in 1985. Got a press clipping mentioning her addressing a 'Future of Stonehenge Festival' meeting in Salisbury in 85. She alos organised three or four women's festivals at Silbury/ Avebury between 1984 and 1987 and went on a women's peace march from Avebury to Stonehenge across Salisbury Plain at Beltane 1985.

Then Richard's obit - drastically edited down, but so it goes.


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